Tuesday, 28 March 2017

DGA130-2D Background Part 1 of the brief (task 1)-5 Background Animation Drawings/Black and White Tonal Explorations

DGA130-2D Background Part 1 of the brief (task 1)

Make abstract ‘tonal explorations’ of at least 5 animation backgrounds from the animation backgrounds blog: http://animationbackgrounds.blogspot.co.uk
Here is a scanned collage of the tonal drawing explorations I drew from the wild west narrative and the backgrounds from The Jungle Book. I used a range of H and B pencils to create these sketches, overall I am happy with the tone and texture but I feel some of the proportions could be adjusted in terms of the intricate detail such as the leaves/the donkey.

Tutor feedback: The foreground could be lightened to create an accurate representation of the distance between the horizon and Subject matter amongst the horizon.

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