Friday, 28 October 2016

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice OneHeadturn

Good Things/ Improvements:

For this exercise I created a 2D exercise of a women turning her head. I decided to use bright complimentary color of orange and cyan as I felt it would create a unique look for the character. I feel the expression is fairly intriguing as the emotion is expressed through the look of uneasiness. I feel this colour and feeling of fear from the character is part of 2D animations strength, altogether I feel it is strong in motion. However, it does not have a fluent structure which could be improved with greater about of keyframes and inbetweens as the third face looks rather distorted and the face looses its original shape. I feel the line work is strong but the composition and maintaining structure is not consistent.

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Stopmotion: Toe-touch

This footage includes the same toe touch exercise as the previous post made except the clip is separate on it's own. I felt I needed to post it on its own to appreciate the exercise as a separate. exercise. The pros and cons I believe are the same.

Good Things/ Improvements:
Improvements I'd make, probably would include somehow figuring out how to allow the back bending over more gracefully and elegantly as I feel then it would seem more natural. Also to add to improve this exercise display I'd replay the motion to 4 replays so you could appreciate the motion as it was and not alongside the light experiment.

Friday, 21 October 2016

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Stop motion toe touch

 This clip includes a stopmotion puppet bending forward to touching their toes, the clip plays around 5 times so the viewer can full understand the motion as it is rather quick. After the 5th reply I included an experimental light clip in which the puppet tries to scare the viewer but instead scares itself and the light switches off to reveal the puppet is on the floor. I decided to include these two together within a clip to practice for the showreel of replaying a clip and also combining a contrast of footage

Good Things/ Improvements:
Overall I feel the motion of the toe touch was fairly realistic, the feet stay, the camera isn't jolted and the light is fairly effective. I feel the light experiment has an interesting atmosphere of fear and horror and which could be used in a horror stopmotion animation for a concept idea
Improvements I'd make, probably would include somehow figuring out how to allow the back bending over more gracefully and elegantly as I feel then it would seem more natural. Furthermore the light project I feel there could be added effects of filters or audio to clarify the concept as I feel to alot of viewers they would not understand what is going on.

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Maya Ball Drop Second attempt

Good Things/ Improvements:
For this second animation I believe the motion of the ball is slightly better, however the appearance of the ball being aesthetically pleasing is taken away with the grid aesthetic over the model. Furthermore, the ball doesn't bounce for the second time as it would with greater force therefore it does not appear realistically. As with the first attempt of the Maya first attemp ball drop I feel I would improve if I watch more tutorials and understand the graph to a greater extent. By understanding the mathematical components of maya I believe it will better improve my work with the graph linear component. 

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Maya Ball Drop First attempt

Good Things/ Improvements:
For this exercise, this was my first attempt at animating in the 3D software Maya. I felt it was a very poor animation as it was slow to drop and had no realism in the re-bound from the floor. To improve I will simply practice more using graphs and watching more tutorial videos to improve the aesthetic of the motion in maya. Good things about this exercise is that it introduced me to a 3D software in which you have to think about the mathematical element of animation and not simply the 2D or artistic aesthetic of stopmotion.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One -Squash and Stretch face exercise (reference from 12 principles of animation video)

This exercise was to practice incorporating the stretch and squash style to the facial expression of a character. Overall, I feel it was successful as the face had an interest dynamic of shock and it provided a sense of anticipation. If I were to improve this animation I would edit it on premiere pro and have to repeat about 4 times as the animation is to quick to really comprehend the motion. Furthermore, I'd add color, tone and shadow.

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Stretch and Squash Ball bounce animation

Good Things/ Improvements:
For this exercise I wanted to practice more on the exercise of stretch an squash. This was a short exercise I tried out. I feel it was successful in providing a clearer view of the change of  shape. To improve I would try adding shadows and texture to the floor to provide greater clarity to the dimensions of the animation.

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Twisting man stretch and squash animation

Good Things/ Improvements:

This exercise was to designed to play with perspective and line work. I feel it was successful in terms of composition and experimenting with angles, furthermore it completed the task of the "Box man" jumping and twisting. I believe I could improve by adding shade, colour and shadow to the figure to provide greater clarity and interesting components to the animation.

Monday, 10 October 2016

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One -Balloon Stop motion attempt two

Good Things/ Improvements:

This was a second attempt at a my Plasticine stop motion animation falling to the ground. I believe it was more successful in having a light flowing movement rather than sharp and fast. As a balloon is full of light air. I feel to improve I would have the balloon lightly hit the ground and bounce in a slow motion.

DGA110-Digital Animation Practice One- Balloon stop motion attempt one

Good Things/ Improvements:

For this exercise we had to create the appearance of a balloon falling to the ground. I feel it was ok for an first attempt but wasn't realistic at all as the movement was too fast and jerky. To improve I would try out a slower approach by moving the balloon Plasticine shape with less distant between and mark out the points with a different perspective.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Week 3 Drawing Task: From Real to Surreal

Task: Take an everyday object (In this case a clock). Give it a twist of the surreal, make it look very odd indeed. Do this at least once a day

My first warped surreal pictures is drawing of my flat mate with a clock for a head. I felt this is a twisted side to my personality as I feel I am someone who most of the time is at war with time.
I feel the composition and realism of the clock and clothing is successful, furthermore the clash of realism and abstract mismatch of composition is effective in creating a surrealistic appearance. To improve I would possibly try adding more texture to the genes or refined the hands as they are vague and appear unfinished.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Firefly animation

For this animation I created an enviromental sharp 2D animation using TV paint. For this experiment I wanted to play around with transparency and colour. I believe it was successful in appearing aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, I feel the atmosphere is effective in the flickering movement of the fire fly and the flow of the river. I am fond of the aluminous grass appearance. To improve I would  probably add further highlights to the grass or add a background behind the grass (for example a tree). I would  also add details of ripples in the water so it would appear more refined and realistic.

Mechanical Swing

Pendulum Swing

Good Things/ Improvements:
This was my first attempt at the Pendulum Swing. I created this by obtaining a protractor, drawing the curve and marking down the points in which I would place the coin. The second stage was moving the coin and using Dragon frame to take two photos each time. I feel this was a successful in learning to use DragonFrame. To improve this exercise I would try erasing the mark lines or drawing them with a lighter pencil so the animation appears in a fluent and natural motion.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Make a wish animation experiment

Good Things/ Improvements:
This was an experiment of a 2D animation, inspired by the song from Cinderella. I wanted to experiment with textures of creating a chalky aesthetic amongst the monochrome background. I feel this was successful in the "flowing movement". To improve I would say the second layer of white chalk -lines would continue after the K. But due to the experimenting with layers for the first time this is why I felt it did not continue as there was a confusion. But I felt I learn more of how to continue and stop layers of line involving in typography amongst this experiment.

Animation bouncing ball attempt three

Good Things/ Improvements

This animation was a 2D animation of a ball bouncing across the stage and onto the wall and rebounding. I feel it could be improved if the wall, floor and ball were given their own texture. I believe it is effective in its motion in a simple first attempt. However, similarly with my last 2D bounce I feel it could be improved by adding texture and color to the subject matter while also exaggerating the stretch and squash.

Bouncing ball first attempt

Good Things/ Improvements
This was my firsts attempt at a 2D animation of the bouncing ball
I feel it was ok for a first attempt. The ball doesn't seem to inaccurate with its motion and bounce but I feel it could improve my exaggerating the squash and stretch. Furthermore the background could be lighter and the ball with added tone and colour to highlight are more interesting lively animation

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Strangers in The Day- Week 1 Drawing for Animation Task

For our second week (29th of September) drawing for animation assignment we were asked to either draw exaggerated expressions of our animation course mates or ask a stranger what to sketch and then draw it. I asked someone in the library and they decided on a Lion.

Good Things/ Improvements: I feel this drawing is good in terms of portraying a realistic shape and texture within the mane but I feel the eyes and snout could be further refined in its accuracy

Toy Story- Freshers Week Drawing Task

On the first day of the course at the Welcome Event (12th of September) we were assigned a task from the drawing for animation lecturer Kathy Nicolas. The assignment was a  fun exercise to draw a toy from life in a setting on campus or around Cornwall. I decided to sketch two toys (one: a pirate looking rabbit) (two: a rather plump marshmellow looking sheep). I drew these characters in the studio/ the student union and outside as well as interacting with each other. The exercise was fun also I started to see them as two characters for a strange good cop and bad cop narrative.

Good Things/ Improvements
I feel these drawings are good for composition and are interesting in having character but I feel they could be improved by adding colour or edits with digital Art

The Runaway Pram-Week 2 Storyboard task - Representing speeds

Blog post written: 1st of October 16 (Week 3)
On the 21st of September 16 (Week 2) I had my first storytelling/script writing seminar by a Lecture Derek, Hayes-  an animation/film director/lecturer.

He explained the importance of angles of drawings, portraying split scenes and representing speed in animation and on a storyboard. Our first task set after that seminar was to come up with a short storyboard narrative of two moving objects (or people) who are moving at different speeds and are about to meet (or collide). My storyboard is about a father looking after its baby. But while he is distracted on his mobile the pram rolls down the hill and the rest of the narrative is the father chasing after it trying to obtain it back. (Hence the title The Runaway Pram)